About release delay

The comparison is a bit harsh. Star Citizen project start in 2012 (still going). Kingdom come Deliverance crowdfunding campaign was in 2011 (release in 2018, first beta in 2014). AC crowdfunding was in 2017 with expected release date end 2019 early 2020.

Remember that for crowdfunded game most of the core features are not ready when the first trailer is release contrary to AAA games (which use trailers for the hype few months before the release)

We all want to play the game but good games take time, so please be patient :wink:


I think the devs talk about beta release date fro 2019 so my guess is that the full game comes out in mid 2020.

salt free zone …

if you cant stand the suspense, go play outside :love_you_gesture:


I am glad that people in general are more optimistic about the time taken, combined with longer periods of time with no official updates on the release what so ever!

HODL! (hehe) and we all will be rewarded at some point. :slight_smile:


I’ve been waiting for this game for more than 10 years… I can wait a little bit more…


Trust me it is not an easy job to develop a game as big as this is going to be. It requires massive amount of time to develop a fully functional game that can compete with AAA titles alike that are out there. Time taken by the developers to develop such a large game is truly justifiable. On top of it they have developed their own game engine which also takes a lot of trial and errors to get everything that we want to see in the game to work accurately and efficiently. I dont want to compare Ancient Cities with any other games that took x amount of time to come out with their full version of the game because i believe that all depends on the team of developers working on various development phases. We already know that Uncasual Games is just 2 years or so old gaming company and this is their first game which is why they would want to come out with a well polished game. I believe Ancient Cities is going to be a huge success. All I would like to say is that we be patient and wait for the developers to deliver whenever they are ready for first beta release or the final release.


I’d just like to ask, why not start with an open source engine like Godot then and just branch it?

I know you’re already far to deep into development to even consider such a thing, but just wondering.

Or were those engines not really a valid option when you started? Godot was still very new when you started development, Armory3d wasn’t even a concept, and Amazon Lumberyard is a Cryengine branch and thus is… well… basically terrible.

Really, I’d like to ask you. If you were doing all of this all over again, would you take the full custom engine path again, or would you have used one of the newer engines like Godot or Armory, if only to gut it like a fish, butcher it for useful code, and then wear its skin like a jaunty hat? :smirk:

Also, is there any chance of you considering releasing your engine for others to use in any manner? After all, you mentioned how many similar indie games have to go the long and expensive path of “New engine because the commercial ones suck at city builders”… I’m sure there’s some interest for a dedicated “Cities” engine.

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Good question, I assume they’d want their first game and expansions to work and sell well.

It takes a crazy amount of time to create and polish an homemade engine, so it’d be a longer period of time before considering selling it.


better to play a game that is fully developed. we need to have patience.


True true.

I’m actually working on concepts with a friend for a possible project myself. We’re going to be basing it off Godot. These days there are a lot of very solid open source tools to use for games development from Blender and Gimp for creating visual assets, to Godot for the game itself. I’m just trying to get a look inside the heads of someone who was where we were probably about 5 years ago. It’s educational.

As for the other part, some kind of buy/license agreement for an engine like this would probably be a very solid time/money exchange for many people. But yeah, I know the game comes first. Hell, I’m in for almost 100 bucks on this game. Absolutely do I want it ASARP…


@Uncasual thanks for the update :upside_down_face:

I have sold my gaming pc since I backed this however many years ago. So much promise unfulfilled.

I’m sure it will be finished. I’m sure there will be a lot more funding on many platforms.

I won’t see any of that because I’m done waiting. Another write off.

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Ancient Cities game

When the game will be released?
Initially planned for late 2018, release date is now pushed back to some point in 2019 due to natural development circumstances.
Please, keep in mind that development times can be unpredictable in complex projects like this one.

Only kind of steady stream of updates seem to be on twitter or is there anything else, because homepage FAQ seems to be soon outdated.

Does anyone have more insight other than this forum, twitter or homepage about probable release date or how much is finished so far?

Happy coding

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Yap, you are right Julles, Twitter updates have been the only official ones for some time. It would be nice if the guys @UncasualGames could give us something…

My take from twitter is that the game is developing nicely, but -as anyone who has ever undertaken a new project would know from experience- things are taking much longer than what the guys originally expected.

Best of luck guys :slight_smile:

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Wow I almost didn’t even realize that its almost 2020 and we’ve heard no word as to when the game will become available despite the 2019 promise.


Looking at the limited amount of video available I think it’s fair to say that there is a game being made. For me, knowing it will come out eventually is enough. Even if its next month or in a year or two. This game has potential to stay relevant for years to come if the base game is as close to perfect as it can be.


@PanoR @SnowHawk @arfa @Julles They said that they were going to release the game for backers before the end of the year, so in December. https://twitter.com/_AncientCities/status/1183009945421336578

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It does say in a few months, not a couple. My guess would be that early access will be rolled out around March with the full release a couple months after. If all goes well that is.

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The full release will, I imagine, depend entirely on the feedback from we, the backers, when we play the release to us. As with most posters here, I believe enough in this game and the devs to wait however long it may be until there is a decent enough early access release as determined by the devs.


Thank you for bringing up that reply. I have been only watching their tweets, not replies (requires account).
It seems that Twitter is the best source to get new information.