About release delay

Twitter update 2 days ago.


Stating that Backers might be having beta access in a few month :slight_smile: Fingers Crossed!


looks like your on track for quality…keep up the great work

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Throw some bone for the dogs lol

In other words release some progress videos and more screenshots, make dev diaries. This game is gone out of all upcoming/anticipated strategy/city building games lists…

I have only remembered this game due to first email in months about forum update… It’s impossible to attract new people towards the game if you won’t communicate what are you doing and constant progress updates…


“News is going to be scarce to avoid copycats and manage the hype.”

Last Wednesday at 12:19 AM We still need work in that area though. When we are closer to release. We think too much hype can be dangerous”

  • Discord

They’ve explained their reasons for not showing game-play trailers etc, it is a justified worry for them. If you want to learn more about the game, pre-release. I suggest hanging around on the discord, the devs have been hanging around answering a few questions the past few weeks when it comes to gameplay mechanics.

I think the previous success or popularity of the game in the past shows that it will have the same potential upon release. So, while maybe people have forgotten about it. Their memory will surely be jogged. Giving a game more time for development rarely hurts peoples opinion of it, plenty of examples for this.


That’s funny as it would be extremely difficult to copy the game as brand new game engine been created that no one else has access to… But anyway, many other developers talk and show the progress and it doesn’t hurt them… Lets wait for Beta…

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For exemplo… Dawn of Man is the outcome when Uncasual star the crownfunding campain. They just show 3-4 videos, imagine if they reveal all the details… XD

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Lets be honest. I think we are all hoping for some sort of Beta Release for the backers before Jan 1st.
Just so we scratch this itch we have all had for 2+ years. I for one am hoping that the Beta will be playable up until release but I will be happy regardless as long as I can play some version of this game before the new year.

Im hoping that the beta will come out when it’s ready, regardles of when that might be.

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No worries. Take your time with improving this game as best as you can. Also, good for you for saying that. :+1:



we are the 17/02/2020 and no beta on the horizon…:unamused:

According to their twitter account the beta will be released before this summer : https://twitter.com/_AncientCities/status/1227852956374007813?s=20


Hopefully this time the objective will be accomplished. Keep fingers crossed.

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I wonder if there will be a Beta Release by May 2020. It has already been 2 years since i backed this project.

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I think the estimate is more accurate this time, considering the statement was made in februari regarding a potential backers version Before summer. (IE they only neded to estimate months of work, not years, like previous times).


I’m just sitting here patiently strumming my fingers on my desk. “I think I’ve started wearing groves into it”. can’t wait! :smiley:

Anyway, it would be a good idea that the devs provide not a date (well, it would be better a date) but at least a % of progress. They know when they want to provide the beta and the release, so they know the % of progress. The updates are ok, but I think they should provide the % as well. There is a lot of people saying this is scam because devs are saying every few months that “just a few months more”. A % could shut up these mouths.


The project is progressing and the thing with hard dates and a small first time team with something of this scale is there is unforseen complications and unlike just about every AAA studio they won’t release a pile or garbage for review as it would just feed the trolls and haters. I agree though a overall project scope on the core release would be helpful for the supporters to see as it’s like watching a house being built. And throw in when you hit something so people can see it’s tracked. And not something that’s so detailed it’s a roadmap to try and clone your work just broad strokes.

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It’s nice to see the updates, thanks guys.

Très bonne analyse!

As I have written before, most of us have supported this game purely to support the project and the developers, as I have done for several other projects with varying results. It’s the same reason why I buy a bunch of games in early access on steam even if never get around to playing them. I just love supporting game development.

I have an abundance of games to play atm and so little time - the only reason I care if the game is released is for the developers and the time and passion they have invested. I love the premise, I love their direction and want to see it come to life but that’s the extent of it. I don’t come to the forums every month to ask when they are planning on releasing it. Of course, I’m looking forward to playing the beta (or alpha) when (or if) it’s eventually released but I prefer that they take their time to get it right instead of releasing something that will have no impact in the community or is an unoptimized mess just because peeps are getting impatient.

The only post I liked in this thread is the one by @ jcamposgranado about the devs posting a percentage progress bar for various tasks and that is mostly to appease the concerns of people considering this to be a scam. Every 2 months or so we have post titled AC is ded lol.

I have read the dev’s post explaining why they do not divulge a lot of information online (mainly because of the competition) but this would possibly release some pressure off their backs. A new updated trailer wouldn’t hurt either. A lot of YTubers covering upcoming strategy game releases and would jump on the fresh info. While on the subject of YTubers, I have also written how helpful I consider the possibility of the dev team working with established YTubers (e.g. Keralis) to try out the Beta if this becomes available. The publicity would fuel a new round of commitments that could in turn fund additional staff to help with the completion of the project. Just my 2c there.

Keep hacking at it guys, loving everything I have seen so far. It’s ready when it’s ready as far as I’m concerned.