Just for the sake of correctness, those are the people you cite: 3 of them in 4 messages.
And those are three people who have genuine concerns. How many more might there be who don’t post comments. The majority of backers don’t post anything. We don’t know of their concerns, and cant assume they are therefore kept informed or unworried.
I confirm this is a vocal minority.
You are also a vocal minority. There are 2,963 backers on Kickstarter plus a number more from Indiegogo. I don’t know the stats on them. Only the tiniest fraction have forum membership here, and very few have ever commented. You or I or anyone else cant claim majority support on anything. But we can pass comment on moral grounds.
Just, seeing you playing the social warrior and pretending to fight against some evil developers in the name of a few people seemingly having the misfortune to don’t be able to click on a Twitter icon is just ridiculous. Once again.
Well it doesn’t surprise me that you continue to twist this. It isn’t about me. Its about backers who worry they have lost their money because the devs are misguided and/or frankly too lazy to write a paragraph and update.
No I don’t consider the devs evil any more than I consider myself a hero, get a grip. What I do consider is that their excuse that they are too busy developing is a lame one.
It will take very little time to open the KS developer page for Ancient Cities type in about 5-10 lines as one backer has suggested, then press the return key. The idea that that would slow game development is frankly laughable.
EDIT: I just re-read the last message I received from Indiegogo. It was clearly stated that everybody would have his/her forum invitation for more information, and how to proceed if this was not the case.
If that’s not been done for KS, it should be, I totally agree.
So it looks like Indiegogo has forced the devs to make updates, possibly due to complaints of lack of feedback. Kickstarter corporate might have received similar complaints by now, but doesn’t really care so long as they get their %,
The devs shouldn’t have to wait until Indiegogo forces them to keep backers informed. It looks bad.
If that’s been done, I really don’t see one lone reason why the devs should be condemned to post for the remnant of their life on their former KS campaign page while they offered a more convenient way to communicate with them. Period.
Then I suggest you read the OP again and not resort to hysteria and bad logic. I made the very same point from the outset, its actually the first line in the entire thread! Quarterly updates are what I suggested as a fair medium to keep backers informed without effecting development focus. So on read up and you will see.