We try here to duplicate a game asset like for example the vegetal Fern.
(You can replace it by maintaining the same original game name)
If we look in the game folder directory the Fern folder it’s located in this absolute game path :
[Program Files (x86)]\Steam\steamapps\common\Ancient Cities\Ancient\Data\Ancient\Entity\Local\Vegetal\Fern
We start by replicating the relative path in our new Mod, named by example ‘PurpleFern’
To do so we start creating the ‘PurpleFern’ directory inside our [Documents]\Uncasual Games\Ancient Cities\Mod\ folder
Inside this directory we create the same relative folder tree that contains the Fern :
and we paste a copy of the ‘Fern’ directory renamed as ‘PurpleFern’
We need to put in the Mod’s root folder an Index.art and Thumbnail.jpg file like any other Mod.
We are going to change the fern color from green to purple, to change this we need to edit the C.tga file inside the ‘PurpleFern’ new mod directory coming from the original game ‘Fern’.
You can simple edit the C.tga with any graphics program like the free ‘Gimp’ and balance the color channels a bit to get a purple texture like this.
The we can customize our newer fern variation editing some settings in the existing Index.art file in the same folder. We need to use the free Notepad++ editor that supports our text file format.
The we can change by example the parameter ‘CountLimit’ from 8192 to 4096 halving the number of possible PurpleFerns and change also the ‘Density’ parameter from 500 to 250 to make it more scarce and rare.
Now restart the game to activate the new mod and create a new game that now includes your new and rare purple fern.
This is the mod with all the files, you need to decompress inside [Documents]\Uncasual Games\Ancient Cities\Mod\ folder
PurpleFern.zip (509.5 KB)