First closed version for backers release date

I can’t talk about the problems because of the NDA.

i’m pretty sure theirs a steam forum only accessible to those who have access to the beta.

Not steam, why? We have a forum here, and there is a section for those with access to the beta :slight_smile:

Several technical and non technical bugs at the moment. That is the cause. Working on it.


Isn’t that being stressed all over the place in communication, namely that it’s a Work in Progress build, not a Beta? I thought it was clear.

Maybe also because developers are humans, they have a life, wife, kids, free time etc…


I have all of this except free time, maybe im not human! :sweat_smile:


Haha probably deity :wink:

To the AC team, I’m so happy to see it’s finally time for the public (at least part of it) to try this game !!! I want to thank you all for the hard work you have been doing and I cannot wait to try it !

Hope you will get some rest once the key distribution is finished!


Japp, steamgamepage and steamforum are hidden and only accessible by gameowners

Hey Devs if you are able to tell who bought the lord title first to last that might help with steam key release for the lords

Can’t wait until I get the key.
Been waiting for the game for so long now =)

so i just checked the crowd funding page for the first time in awhile there is a lot of new backers and was just wondering the newest funding is to help you guys ( grow up)? i first read this i was like they were tired when they wrote that…after giggling to myself for a minute or two… or maybe someones wife/gf has a sense of humor? just thought it was funny and needed a share

Same, I backed this game like 4 years ago. I’m even more excited since I’m in the middle of taking an anthropology class right now!


Good luck with the class! :slight_smile:


Thanks! I’m actually supposed to be a writing a paper about physical and linguistic anthropology right now, but i hate writing papers lol…


I just made a ticket. Im SAVANT
and still haven’t gotten any tickets ?


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Not ticket, i ment key ofc.

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Just checking in to see where we are on the keys… took some time off to coincide w/ the release :wink:

Have they started sharing any Lord Keys yet… if NOT then I will make other plans to enjoy the great summer days here…

Cheers and thanks.

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