First closed version for backers release date


When you say July the 16th, what time zone are you referring to? I really hope you mean July 16th Australia Eastern daylight, but some how think this wont be the case :frowning:

July 16th of the Gregorian calendar. Please consult your nearest calendar institution for further details.


Ts ts ts.
You still don’t answer the most important point. Is this 16th of July Before Current Era or Current Era?


July 16th 2020 CE of the Gregorian calendar of this plane of existence (alternate realities not covered by official announcement) :bowing_man:


You may think I’m funny, but while I’m eagerly awaiting the release in two days, I will not play this version :open_mouth:

Part of it is that I need to first upgrade my laptop, so that helps :slight_smile: But even so, I will try to avoid playing it until the full release - I am afraid of getting saturated playing versions with incremental inprovements and once the game is released not being able to enjoy it anymore (shock!) or at least not being able to appreciate it fully. I would rather wait and experience it in its full glory for the first time once it’s ready. In the meanwhile, I will of course still follow the development closely, rejoice at your reports and feedback, and eventually also videos and other material - I only choose not to experience it first-hand just yet.

Do you folks think I’m strange? :slight_smile:

P.S. Edit: Know what? I took your advice to heart; I cannot NOT check out the game and play it at least a bit. It’s only realistic that I do play the game - probably futher down the line I will consciously stop when the final release is in sight and then enjoy the full game when it’s ready. (I also added some more euros to my backer pledge to show additional support.)


You are missing then opportunity to provide feedback to devs (possibly with some great ideas for improvements).


Honestly, there’s nothing strange in that. That’s even… well, brave, inflicting yourself such a wait. Myself, I’m supposed to work hard on the work I still have to do, so that I have more time after the 16th of July to play and test. And, nonetheless, I can’t help myself being afraid I may be disappointed after having waited for years.

But probably also you could find a middle ground between playing as a madman as soon as Thursday and not playing at all, that would be less painful and better for mental health?
Like, playing only one game per month at most, or once for each new beta build?


I don’t think it’s strange at all! I can completely understand your excitement for the finished masterpiece, it’s like being given the option to view a painting that’s still being painted, versus viewing it upon completion. Of course you’re going to admire and appreciate the final product in an astounding light and even more so if you’ve been waiting patiently for it. However, you don’t have to choose. You could always pop in every once and awhile and see how the masterpiece is coming along and if you notice something that maybe isn’t quite right or quite the way you imagined you can help guide the Craftsman’s hand towards a brighter and better finished product. You don’t have to play yourself crazy exploring every feature, you could just pop in, check out how it’s looking on the surface level and pop back out that way you can keep up with development and improvements and still get your feet wet without jumping into the water until after the final release. :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand: That’s just me though. You do you! And heaven’s best to you!


Well, I think you’re strange :slight_smile:


yeah, same question :raised_hand:


Still no key?


They said they gonna send them from 16th… thats tomorrow mate.


Ah yeah, thought it was today.

And it’s FROM the 16th. It’ll take a few days if everyting goes well to get the keys to everyone, and since the 16th is thursday I wouldn’t start to get impatient untill alfter the 20th.


Think of Australia CET+8h :face_with_monocle:

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Its fantastic that your offering backer upgrades. Cant wait for the key!!

We will begin to dispatch Steam keys at 00:00 (PDT) UTC -07 in July 16. First batch will include higher pledge tiers and in the next days, after solving critical issues, we will continue with the rest of tiers until Lord tier

It is explained in the faq on our website. It is a matter of days , few days if everything works fine with the first batch.

Excuse me, i feel like i had to, cause i cannot find any notice that LORD tier will have to wait “few days IF everything works fine with first batch”

I don’t like NOT clear communication ): i payd €60 to be sure i get key on 16th, or no later than few days. I understand if takes time to send few hundreds keys or even thousends, but c’mon! i do not recall any condition that LORD backers will have to wait more days if there will be critical issues with current version. We are early access backer, we are aware about that.


I am a Lord backer and have had ample of opportunity to increase my level in order to get my key as early as possible, but I have chosen not to. With anything like this there needs to be a phased release and introduction, so only fair those who fronted up with the larger sums of money to back the devs get preference. It’s a couple of days, a week at the most by the sound of it. Rule number one with anything like this, under promise and over deliver, so we Lords may all get a sweet surprise with a key in our mailboxes earlier than you might expect. If like me you have waited a looong time for this, through several false dawns, then a couple more days is not a reason to throw my toys out of the pram.


You’ll be okay my friend, Just be patient. as a lord, you are guaranteed to play the beta version and have the game when it is officially released. their are 7000 backers. so we will be the first out of billions to have access to the game. its easier to manage, if fewer people at the beginning have access to the game. they will be able to work out critical bugs. could you imagine getting 7000 angry emails at once if the game didn’t even worked??? I think it’s smart on their end to give the people that contributed way more then others to have access first. most likely, you will have the game by this weekend.