
definitely needs included, just how early

or do we never meet another player (AI or human)

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Homo sapiens traded already in the Gravettien, so more than 30,000 years ago, and it’s likely that Neanderthals traded as well, as they used materials from hundreds of kilometres away. So trade should be included from the beginning. To your second question, as far as I know we will definetely meet AI tribes, but the game is single player only, so no, no other human players.


Neolithic without greenish jadeite axes would not be Neolithic :slight_smile:


Possibly the trade (or rather the exchange) led to the Neolithic …?

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Migration let to the Neolithic, but trade is a facilitator of migration (as it exposes cultures to each other and lessens the shock of exposure).

Trade has been discussed before in another thread.
It remains, I believe, a keep important aspect of the game. Rare items come from trade and the play should find trade groups now and then.

Also, local trade during events. Also provides a vehicle for exogamy.


I don’t remember what thread it was :-/ so I’ll just post my picture here

Even if it’s centered on the Iberian Peninsula, it gives a good idea on what goods would be used for long-distance trade ^^


I believe I recall speculation that Otzi Iceman was trading.
Wrong time period of course, but not vastly far off.

Whoever killed him may have taken his stuff (bronze/copper things). They left his clothes, tools and a good arrow, but it could have been cold and not worth the time to fully loot him (and who steals clothing, anyway? lol)


I did not think so far to the far trade. Even a local barter between small groups would be conceivable and useful, creating peace.

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