Do you agree we should have some other types of lighting in the game besides the big and clunky fireplaces? If you do, please go show your views and support by replying to this Petition on the Steam forum Feel free to add proper research, preferably referenced
Already added mine two cents =P
If they have fire, then it stands to reason that they will use a torch.
Your logic is impeckable!
Since we have now family relationship, it seems logical that each family would have its own fire with one or two hut. Thus a full camp would have multiple fire. The single fire is fine for special occasions where all the tribe gets together.
Torches sound like a very good idea for an addition. Players will want to light up their beautiful cities at night without having a fireplace every 40ft. Jokes aside, I think it would add more character to the game. Those little details make a difference.
As a bonus idea, lighting up the city with torches and other decorations could impress migrants and cause more to flock to your city. Torches could also be craftable, so that they could be weilded or used to construct a stationary torch.
Anything by means of customisation would be appreciated. Its a needed addition
Such hand held torches could also lower the chance of being attacked by wild animals, while wielding.
I’m not sure, if there is a mechanic like that. I didn’t played for a while.