First closed version for backers release date

Its reasonable the diference between the delivery of the keys from up to the lower tiers, and I’m ok with that.
The worst part to me - is not terrible, but is what I think - is to don’t have any information or feedback about the game. Yes, I’ll play the game maybe next week or so, but could be nice to have some feedback of how the game is going just now.
It’s just another opinion, but carry on with the good work!


Take as long as you need…
I’m willing to wait.
This game is going to be awesome.


Totally agree, a lot of people seem to have little experience with how life works, patience, disappointment etc. (It sucks, but you try to deal with it with decorum and dignity).

If anyone here ever tried to actually create, produce and release a work of art of any kind, they would know how long it can take.

Maybe most of the whiners are simply pre-adolescents? That would explain it, I mean I was like that when I was eleven… :joy:


Try to ignore the whiners who are displaying emotion and lack of reason not related to your level of communication but simply to the fact that they don’t have the game yet, even though they backed a work in progress, and didn’t actually purchase a finished game. That’s not to include those who genuinely feel that there was poor communication which led to confusion, even though, as others have pointed out, there has been ample and clear communication as regards the staggered release of the closed beta from the beginning. You just focus on the bugs in the game and making it great for us all. :smile: Some people will rarely be satisfied with external life. Anyway, more power to you all! Can wait to play it. :joy:


How I read the forum rules, this comment is a violation of them and so will probably be mine.
But talking about “emotional/psychological hangups” as bugs, you should be exercising some self reflection.

A bug is unwanted behaviour of a software and yes “emotional/psychological hangups” are generally unwanted, but the same can be said about comments which violate the forum rules.

Therefore I suggest reflecting about what character traits of yours lead you to making this comment and engage in some bug-fixing yourself.

You don’t know anything about what lead people to their/our discontent.

For me, it simply was a concern about unclear communication, having seen the bad effect of such on other indie projects.

There hasn’t been any bad communication. They have stated that the release would be done in batches ages ago. If you haven’t read it or weren’t around to see the post then that’s on you, not on the dev team.


Nope, it isn’t. The laws of many countries agree that for example EULA’s aren’t allowed to contain non-standard conditions, because no one reads them.
So there is atleast some kind of agreement, that special conditions have to be made obvious.

By the way my point isn’t that they stated something that was clearly wrong. They just were vague enough, that it lead to confusion. You brought up, that you had to be around or see a specific post. This means the communication wasn’t clear enough, what else can I say?
This is my only point.

You do understand a EULA isn’t anything to do with release of a product…? It has only to do with the use of the product and is only in place to cover the distributor. It doesn’t guarantee you anything.

You do also realise that you haven’t accepted a EULA as of yet anyway so how can you apply it to this situation?!

Your point just tells us that, in the month you have had an account, you haven’t once read through the forums to see what would be happening.
I have checked the majority of peoples accounts who are complaining about this ‘misinformation’ and most are about a month or less old.


That is receivable. A lack of clarity that may be misleading and needs to be told so that they improve their communication, fine.

Mate, that is absolutely ridiculous.
For months we’ve seen people holler because their were not enough communication.
Yesterday some people were hollering because there were not enough communication.

And now, we have to stand for a guy magically appearing out of nowhere and complaining there were communication?

I mean, just read the first post here, read the title of this section in the forum, look at their Twitter account (which is perfectly accessible without having an account yourself, as that’s a very common argument and a fallacy), then just think a bit about what you’re saying.



You talk about it being unclear that the release would be in batches, but literally the first post of the thread clearly states it.

So tell me, how can you not know that the delivery of keys would be in batches after reading it? Please do tell me because it absolutely baffles me that so many people apparently can’t understand it from that sentence alone.


Tip for Lord tier backers : As you already know, this is only a work in progress version. Only some features of the final product are present and bugs are expected. More info about this version here


How is that fair ? Someone that paid 60 euro 2 years ago shall have the key at the same time as me, that jumped on the wagon a 3 days ago at the minimum price ?

I just have to be patient. On the plus side, email gets checked frequent


As stated, I used the EULA only to exemplify that the burden of informing isn’t only carried by the cosumer and it isn’t as clear cut as you stated it to be.
And yes, since I haven’t got a key yet I saw no point in engaging with the forum. And yeah I think you are completely on to something with us only being the ones that pledged more recently.
It’s not optimal that there is more concrete information in the forum, about what you can expect for your money.
My experience was I read the content on the pledging-page, which I interpreted as the beta starts for everyone (Lord+) on July 16th. I think that it also had to do with the red text on the pledging page, which is now removed.

Then, after not receiving a key I looked on Twitter and read:

Crowdfunding is over! Now we will start the release of the first batch of Steam keys for the highest pledge tiers.

I tweeted back, that not knowing when I will exactly get my key isn’t exactly a great feeling. I got the answer: “It is a matter of days”

Then I looked into the forum, just to read that the process of delivering the keys can take the rest of the month.

This is how my experience was and if you are not completely out of empathy you can see that this is not the best experience you can have.
And yes, I know the Information is out there, but it is mostly bad for the developer if he allows for those experiences to happen. I am as interested in seeing them succeed as you are, eventhough I pledged later than you and didn’t engage as much.

Well thank you for your kind insight and reporting of my comment. I was simply making a pun as regards bugs/programming and unreasonable levels of juvenile complaining, as opposed to legitimate complaints due to perceived communication failings. I wasn’t attacking any individual and I said ‘whiners’, not anyone who has a legitimate observation/complaint, there is a difference and there are both on here to be fair.

I was simply trying to defend and encourage the developers, but that being said, it doesn’t need to be ad hominem so yes I have edited my comment to be more clear at the expense of it being quite wordy. :sweat_smile: No malice intended my friend, don’t want to insult or hurt anyone. :heart:


Read the FAQ.
It’s the first thing stated there…

If you spent a few moments to read through the website you would’ve found this information very easily. So to say you are dissapointed really comes down to the fact you haven’t checked out everything before backing the project. The fact you ‘interpret’ something doesn’t mean that it will be so.

You’re getting your pants in a twist because you have to wait a few days/month when some of us have been waiting 2-4 years. Not one of us is complaining about staggered release…

This literally is a you problem.

I am pretty sure that information was added after the fact. I read the FAQ before I pledged.

Edit: I checked the pledging-site thorrowly and read the FAQ. Since I had no more questions, I stopped there. At the end your opinion and also mine do not matter, if this was enough or too little research into this. The only thing that counts is that the developers learn from that and as far as I am concerned, I think they did.

Please contact us on our website if you have some issue or request about your pledge

Maybe so it was added after you pledged but it is stated there in black and white.
So again, to say there is misinformation is incorrect. It was stated a year or two ago that there would be staggered release and it was stated before the initial release date was announced and has been reiterated several times since then.

Also to address your point of being told a few days and now it may take up to a month…
This is because there was a major bug discovered and therefore things have to be resolved before they can send out the next batch of keys.

All the information is out there. You just have to read it. There is no lack of communication from the developers.


Nope, no more open questions. I read that you are making a decision on the Lord+ tier keys on monday. This is clear enough, even for me :slight_smile:

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Well, I think I can’t respond to this post without repeating myself. Let’s agree that we don’t agree on this topic and move on.

I got triggered by OleMuddyHands’s original post and didn’t want to start this discussion again (Edit: but obviously I was willing to risk it), which I also had on the german sub-forum. This is why I felt that I couldn’t let it stand without objecting to it. He edited it and from my side everything is fine now.

@OleMuddyHands I didn’t report it by the way, believe it or not. This is not how I roll. ^^

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