Enjoy the Idleness

I have read studies suggesting hunter gatherers working around 4 hours day only.
Lots of spare time!

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This is even more stunning! Thanks.

So, I guess from your answer, that there will be some kind of idling and leisure mechanism for citizen then?

The system is already in the game.
People have different behaviours, one of them, leisure. At this moment, they chat, walk around or sit somewhere. Childs also play around. Just need content, but the base is there.


Hello, I am new to the forum. First of all, to congratulate the creators (since it is becoming reality) a lot of encouragement. Do not hesitate a second to contribute to this project so ambitious in quality. I listened to an interview that they did to the creators, on YouTube (and I agree that there was a need for a game like this but that included this time). I browsing YouTube I found some videos of a channel that caught my attention, I wanted to share in case you could somehow help with animations or giving ideas (in any case is spam, no I have nothing to do with the channel):
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAL3JXZSzSm8AlZyD3nQdBA .A greeting and many encouragement boy, from here will come something wonderful.

Hi all!
I’m also new to the forum and interested in Paleolithic and Neolithic leisure activities - but the kind which leaves a mark: sculpting, painting and other ornamental crafts. I’d love to see some of my tribesmen and tribeswomen carve some wood or rock, create jewelry out of bone or shellfish, make a fur cloak, or even go cave-painting!

Though I understand there are many higher priorities in terms of art and coding, of course.


Good decision!:+1:


Small statues all the way :smiley:
Also, the cave painting is a great idea, especially if the painting will feature notable events or landmark, and isn’t just one of a few generic paintings. I understand that this is a stupidly (^^) specific request or wish, however don’t you think that it would be cool to see people depicting for instance an attack that they carried out, a huge lake or mountain nearby, a large hunt they staged, an important cult site they built, or maybe the feats of an individual of their tribe (she caught so much fish, she hunted so many deer, she gave birth to so many children and also almost single-handedly fended off this hostile raid) …

I know that I would certainly appreciate such a feature, although this is kind of a ridiculous idea. :slight_smile:

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  • @Scylla How do you imagine a possible impact on gameplay?

Maybe cave paintings in game could be a way to acknowledge heros, & that could influence the rest of the tribe? If cave paintings are about scenery or animals, the people become better explorers/scavengers… If your hero cave painting is about a warrior/battle, more tribesmen will want to be a warrior… or a great hunt painting will cause more of the tribe to want to be hunters/fishermen, etc.
This would lead to a more warrior based tribe, or intelectual, or fishing, baby making… :+1:t4:


I really like how creative this community is, and how ideas like mine - that seem to be quite random and are honestly not always well thought through - are turned and developed into something intelligent, profound and new.

This is an amazing idea!


They did paint the inside of mud brick, plastered buildings. It would be kind of interesting to do that.

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In shogun 2: total war, you can use your own children to sign a treaty, knowing that if you were to break the treaty, they would be killed (though there is no shown violence). Breaking your word, damages both your reputation (the lower the reputation the more difficult it is to sign other treaties) the loyalty of your retainers and your futur, as children woukd grow up to become generals or noble women. Therefore harming children can be done but with harsh consequences


This sounds good, the system of early medieval hostages. In Total War, however, this game variant only triggers head cinema. (depending on the player’s imagination ability). In this build-up simulation (AC) the children would be visible as NPCs, so violence would be displayed directly. Against children is something so far in games a no-go. I could well imagine, that a child was attacked by a wolf or bear and was seriously injured or even killed and eaten. The question arises, as to how much outrage this will cause among the youth protection organizations …:rolling_eyes: :wink:

Well, children may easily be killed outside of the map if they’re held as hostages/prisoners/slaves by another tribe, or in a house/sanctuary if you’re the bad guy who hold them and to kill them.
As such, I don’t think this has to be taken into consideration, as it’s not necessary to have the village flooded with blood to “represent” the scene.


I still think the best way to represent the loss of children in raids and other tragic events is to Simply have them disappear. While dead children are very realistic, I think it’s perhaps one degree of realism we can deal without. But certainly, they should vanish due to raids and other issues.

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Thought more about “accident”, wolf, bear etc. How will one deal with it?
After all, our ancestors were equally hunters and “fodder” :baby: :sleeping_accommodation: :wolf: :bear: :poultry_leg:

Well, younger women and children were snatched by wolves even in the 19th century in Europe, from time to time.

I’d just have the children disappear (for game rating reasons). The adults can have a terrible scream and some FX :smile:

About the cave paintings or frescos on the plaster of walls, and the likes, I think Dwarf Fortress shows us a possibility. In that game, dwarves that are especially good are engraving, will engrave walls with scenes of known history, the common culture of the dwarves of your fortress. For example a scene of a battle between a famous hero and a monster, ages ago, or just that last year when the master smith forged a steel axe the likes of which no one has ever seen. The player can’t really influence it, your people simply engrave and remember whatever they want of the rich memories of their culture.


Amazing. This is what I was thinking. A talented tribesman or tribeswoman who captures some part of their culture and life. It would definitely add some flavor.

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Like luke skywalker knowing his father is dath vador ? “Noooooooooooooooooooooo” xD

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