Ancient Cities v0.2.8.0 Migrants

v0.2.8.0 Migrants

Small groups of migrants will eventually arrive in your village. This will be a new way of expanding your tribe, with all that this brings… more mouths to feed, more labour, new mates of childbearing age and, in the future, new knowledges…


  • Migrants groups.
  • New resource : Flint.
  • New animal species : Wild horse.
  • New dance animation.
  • Work time icon.
  • Dead subicon for portraits.
  • Migration tool cursor improved.
  • WIP : Cultures : Mesolithic & Neolithic visuals.


  • Effect bug affecting fireplaces.
  • Tweaks on hunting, building and fishing tasks time costs.
  • Tooltip for humans was too large.
  • Animation compute shader improved for older graphics cards.
  • Crash in some situations where you are looking for a nearby place out of the sea.
  • Game launch problem after closing the window on windowed mode.
  • Resources disappearing when settling down on local map.
  • Crash when trying to migrate while settling down in the region map.
  • Text box losses focus when editing.
  • Policies tooltips not showing correctly.
  • Crash on storage area disband, when nothing selected.
  • Loading & window issues at game start.
  • Some resources disappearing when reaching the local map.
  • Some children disappear within a short time after a new game.
  • Human corpse when the building he was in was disbanded with wrong pose.
  • Migration path shown after creating a new game.


  • Rivers are not carved correctly in some locations.
  • Saved games could become obsolete after an update.
  • Temporary performance hiccups are expected when changing graphics settings.


  • Please send us a report if the game crashes and write down report number.
  • Please use the Steam ‘Players’ forum to post your feedback, bugs & issues.
  • Please mod creators: Update & upload your mods when required.


Next we will implement the knowledge system.


If you want to support Ancient Cities development, please write a review on the Steam store page.


Is this normal? It seems to be a river, but no river when settled. I have checked the whole map, and no river in the village. Report 4422

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Maybe playing with a mod instaled outside the european atlantic area?

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Awesome I’m looking forward to it. A feature that might be cool to incorporate is having the migrants have their own beliefs and try to convince your tribe to follow there way of doing things. Also if the deves want they could also add a feature where the new migrants might steal all your resources and run. Maybe you could also have a small chances where they kill all your tribe as well.


Give me your mums phone-number!

Hahaha, j/k, I actually do like the possibilities of your ideas, maybe with a tad more acceptable tweaking they can add some spice to the options of raiding! :crazy_face:


Nop, no mods installed.

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Please post a screenshot of the location in europe

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Of course:

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Ok so i assume that river is not included. We take note


Difficult to feed back on this one

Migrants appear occasionally, 3 or 4 more than enough. It seems to work.

Looking forward to seeing how knowledge features work, does that mean that many of the starting structures and tools that are now available from the start being locked except for the poor quality ones e.g. pelt and then they will unlock as new knowledge arrives?

Hopefully there is also “tech” to come that isn’t already in the game.

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More or less this will be the knowledge feature

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Maybe the efficiency in building increases with knowledge / practice / migrants with those skills coming in.


Report #4438
No one will work on a random section of wall in the middle of said wall. They wont dismantle it either.
Unsure if this is related, but I’m having a difficult time getting my tribe to repair older buildings as they degrade.
Perhaps they are just waiting until they are degraded further to freshen them up.

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You can rise priority in your buildings to get them repaired faster. Maybe you have an access issues with some of your wall segments, we will check it.

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Thank you. I continued playing and it seems they just wait until the building wasn’t operational anymore to then repair it. It is set at highest priority.

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Another thing that could be happening is that the buildings maybe are communal and you have everyone very busy in their specific work. Maybe you could decrease the slots in the work groups to have more people free or decrease the working hours.


Ill give that a go. They built the wall no problem, the just dont want to build that section for some reason lol
Maybe it blocks the view from the bench to the river idk

EDIT: Was able to get them to deconstruct the wall finally. I had to disassemble the section of wall right next to it. Then I just replaced it and told them to build it again and they are doing it now no problems.


LOL, Thanks man