How do i access my closed beta key?
i think its sent through the website messages, but there not available until the 16th of July and onward. im sure it will be clear when the date arrives.
Ok, thank you.
The way the pledge page was written i assumed it auto came with the backing of Lord and above.
Seems a bit misleading.
yea i agree the crowd funding page is a little vague, but im sure it was just an over-site. the 16th is the date to wait for.
Welcome to the party btw
Hi there,
You will get an email. But emails will be send out in portions. So backers with higher rank will be in first line. This is planned that way to reduce feedback volume. I cannot tell you how long it will take to get all the emails out for people with lord+ rank
We all will see.
They said they are planning to send out all of the beta-keys within a range of a few days. So it shouldn’t take to long until everyone has his key.
Of course only if there are no technical problems…
DONDE ESTA EL LINK DE DESCARGA DE LA BETA CERRADA? // Where is the download link ? ?
To see if you have a key and you haven’t been e-mailed…
Go to Ancient Cities game,
Make sure you are logged in (refresh the homepage once you have)
Top right corner will show you your account and backer level.
Click this and it will take you to backer settings where you Steam key will eventually appear.
What if I promised to only give feedback until you wanted it? Could I get a key lol
Hi, my Backer Level is „Savant“ but there is no key any other option to receive the steam key? Thank you for your answers!
Have you been consistently using the same e-mail address in the past, including for PayPal?
Try contacting AC through the form on the website: Ancient Cities game.
Thank you, I will try that!
Hi, i was Backer in Kickstarter when was game first announced,since work took longer than expected i recently i upgraded to Lord to have beta acces, but no sign of key and it was already more than week since 1st batch for highest pledges. And i saw even savant pledges not having key yet. Any answers?
savants and above should have keys, lord backers are currently receiving keys starting from the first to the last backers. i assume you have been placed with the later backers as you backed lord pledge recently, so expect it some time next week until the end of july.
I wonder how many % ofsupporters already got key.
And other question, why does distribution of keys have to be in waves and not all at once?
I think 70% of backers forgot they had pledged the game and didn’t notice the key
so they dont get hundreds of bug reports and complaints about the same thing, this way they can fix the major/common problems with a small amount of backers and the minor/rarer bugs with all the backers. its easier for the devs and is more efficient. the downside is that there pr go’s down a bit
Are the keys going out everyday or once a week I am lord status and havent seen anything yet