About the AC Feedback and Suggestions category

A place to discuss about the game, make suggestions or provide feedback.
What would you like to see in this game?
How would you like to see it implemented?

Please check that the topic you are creating do not exist before.
All suggestions and feedback will more useful if they are as organised as possible.

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A quick correction - in English, question marks go only at the end of the sentence. “What would you like to see in this game?” instead of “¿What would you like to see in this game?”

You are totally right and we were totally asleep ; )

I believe question marks are at the beginning and end of Spanish questions. English is only the end. Don’t know why you need 2 when one does the trick but it is what it is.

In Spanish we don’t change words order when asking questions like in English:
Where are you?
Where you are

In Spanish both would be the same:
Where you are?
Where you are

So when reading long questions is good to have a hint about where a question starts to change the voice tone. The same happens for ¡!

Ya sabes que Ancient Cities esta siendo desarrollado por un pequeño estudio llamado Uncasual Games situado en Barcelona.

as a question would be:

¿Ya sabes que Ancient Cities esta siendo desarrollado por un pequeño estudio llamado Uncasual Games situado en Barcelona?

So now you can see the importance of the starting Âż


Makes sense if your writing in spanish. 2 does the trick there so one is not enough. Different in writing English. Still all moot.

In cases like:
“You know that.”
as a question:
“Do you know that?”
You can see the “Do” working very similar to the Spanish “¿”

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As a linguist, I approve this message :smiley:


Same point. Don’t have to keep feeding me lessons as it is understood. How about look at an English keyboard. Do you see an upside down question mark? No? Well then lesson learned both ways. GG. This is now a dead subject.

No need for the snark. The subject has been dead for 2 months before you resurrected it. The authors already back then acknowledged it as a typo.

Do you realize your reply will make more replies and so on. Leave it dead then.