I think it would be nice to have some coincidence events in the game that increase knowledge.
Like some people see fish get trapped in dense reed so they start thinking about a simple funnel fish trap.
Or maybe they throw stones in the fire to heat water later on and suddenly see that something (like copper compounds) is melting. But that could only happen in windy area where the fire pit could potentially reach the needed temperatures.
And I liked the previously mentioned idea about the experience system. That at the beginning the farming skills a very bad but they increase with practice and failures which eventually leads to improved equipment or so.
I never liked it in similar games that you have to gather or collect 1000 food and 1000 wood to advance in some new technologie.
That shouldnât be the case here.
I agree with what was said here, the tribe should advance through experience.
How could my tribe advance in fishing if I never fished before.
Or how to tame a cow (well or buffalo) if I never observed them before? How to trap them if I donât know hoiw they behave?
The question should then be, what happens if my expert trap builder or the best hunter dies or migrates and takes his/her knowledge along?
To me the answer should be that the advancement is (somewhat) lost. He/She cannot teach it to others, nor can he/she try to advance the way to trap them, or to more effective and less dangerously hunt them.
The next question should be, related to my 1000 food/wood example; when can your tribe advance?
Can you advance in anything if you are busy all day gathering and hunting, when you are starving or freezing?
Perhaps you get then more creative, or are just busy to survive?
Isnât it different when you are starting farming, and have, over the winter time more time to be creative?
This would be more in the way like the game âlife is feudal - forest villageâ behaves, where you build in winter and farm btw spring and automn. You simply have now manpower while farming.
I liked, even if complicated, the advancement / techtree in a completely different game - âHearts of iron 3â. This is a world war 2 startegic game.
Here, you research through scientists/companies (different for each nation), and this in the beginning very slow. Then, when your tanks and planes are actually fighting, you get practical expirence, which then influences the way you research (having light tanks doesnât help on researching heavy tanks, but can help on maneuver or tactics for bothâŠ).
Something in this line could be interesting to investigate.
Youâre on the right track! We know that most technology advancements in Ancient Cities will come from external sources, such as through trading or raiding or outsiders joining your settlement. There might also be some skills gained by experience with local resources and by honing oneâs craft. Migration has been mentioned to have a significant cost, especially as your population grows. This probably means gathering enough resources to survive the journey to a new map. Permanent settlement would be possible after acquiring enough technology to be self- sustainable and defensible, while also increasing the difficulty. Weather and natural disasters will probably play into that greater threat, along with inter-tribal skirmishes.
I think that you have to generate some inovation points over time or if someboby new came to the colonie. Or you meet or clans or something like that. Not only search some materials and push the research button.
On my opinion you donât have to see the research tree or something similar.
Maybe there is a possibility to generate always a new tree based on a pool of techs an encounter how trigger them.
I had a concept for a similar game. There was the idea of ââa backward-looking development path from the target.
Example: Objective 1 is neolitkum. What conditions must be met in order to achieve this goal? How or by what (X) and who (Y) can this happen? What is the condition that XY happens?
It is therefore always necessary for at least one NPC to meet the prerequisites and a developmental stage is reached in order to make the next progress a reality. Buildings are secondary, sometimes means to the purpose, but never the triggering element. Also âresearch pointsâ, ie, the larger the city, the more research points are unrealistic. A small group of people with large amounts of collective knowledge is superior to a backward total population of a country. Innovation does not arise by size, but by curiosity and logic.
Curiosity and logic are therefore the two basic prerequisites that an NPC must have. These features also determine its value within the community. The value increases when it triggers several developments, etc. Keyword: Formation of an intellectual elite.
Ich hatte mal ein Konzept fĂŒr ein Ă€hnliches Spiel. Dort war die Idee, eines vom Ziel aus rĂŒckwĂ€rts gerichteten Entwicklungs-Pfades.
Beispiel: Ziel 1 ist das Neolitkum. Welche Bedingungen mĂŒssen unbedingt erfĂŒllt sein, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen? Wie oder durch was (X) und wen (Y) kann das geschehen? Was ist Voraussetzung, dass XY passiert?
Es ist also immer erforderlich, dass mindestens ein NPC die Voraussetzungen mitbringt und eine Entwicklungsvorstufe erreicht ist, um den nĂ€chsten Fortschritt Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. GebĂ€ude sind dabei sekundĂ€r, manchmal Mittel zum Zweck aber nie das auslösende Element. Auch âForschungspunkteâ, also, je gröĂer die Stadt, desto mehr Forschungspunkte sind unrealistisch. Eine kleine Gruppe Menschen mit groĂer Menge kollektivem Wissen ist einer rĂŒckstĂ€ndigen Gesamtbevölkerung eines Landes ĂŒberlegen. Innovation entsteht ja nicht durch GröĂe, sondern durch Neugier und Logik.
Neugier und Logik sind also die beiden Grund-Voraussetzungen, die ein NPC haben muĂ. Diese WesenszĂŒge bestimmen auch seinen Wert innerhalb der Gemeischaft. Der Wert nimmt zu, wenn er mehrere Entwicklungen auslöst usw. Stichwort: Bildung einer geistigen Elite.
Are there going to be massive losses of knowledge as well?
For instance, when invaders destroy everything alien to thier way of life or against thier beliefs?
I gather that citizen-centric already includes hoarded knowledge dying off when the person does.
⊠in which the time of the âmigration of the peoplesâ (Völkerwanderung 300-700 n.Chr.) should be played. We call it the beginning of the âdark middle ageâ. At this time, this situation happened in Northern Europe. It is interesting that not everything was lost at the same time. Question: Why was something lost at all? Had Roman culture become useless? No longer desirable?
For âbarbariansâ not, o.k., but for the Romans? What was the role of religions, especially Christianity? At this time, there were also several possible interpretations of the âtrue Christianityâ, and it was completely open whether and which would prevail. Was ignorance massively produced?
Could be something like this:
You have an important empire that keep roads safe and commerce running. Cities, even small cities receive funds to build their forums, aqueduct, theatres⊠If you break the empire and roads are no longer safe then mayor commerce is lost. Without commerce people need to return to a subsistence lifestyle, such big structures cannot be built anymore, cannot even be maintained, and local knowledge is eventually lost. It is all about commerce. Ancient religions were not a well of wisdom either, but at least did not propagate the idea of conformity like Christianity does. Not sure if the adoption of Christianity was a cause or a consequence thought.
I would find it exciting if there were many options. The player could then test different game strings. Maybe even re-writing the story known to us today � Probably only at the local level, but then the order of the worlds could look somewhat different. Or a Christianity completely missing � What would have happened in his place? Has it been mere coincidence or did mentality play a role?
Presumably, there are only relatively few decisions by a few individuals that have led the fate and the development of entire peoples into other channels.
i think it should be something like if their is bronce were you are you make bronze swords but if their is iron you make iron swords, it sounds simple but what im saying is that the game should not be limited to ancient history, it should be limited abailability of resources in your respective zone.
thats at least my opinion
Bronze is an alloy, usually made, so you need to know how to made it, how to melt it or how to work with it.
Thatâs a knowledge and it is a requirement to make bronze swords as important as the resource itself.
I would really love to see a kind of, citizen based, natural grow of knowledge. So if you work on hunting and less on farming you will gain more knowledge of hunting. Oh and indeed as i read, it would be great if knowledge will be lost in a kind of way, not to extreme but still.
It seems to me that this is an excellent approach to the âtech treeâ issue and pretty much akin to what I was hoping. There are it seems however two separate elements here, the knowledge and the âtechâ. So you may, for example, come to realise that fish are good to eat when you found one flopping around on the bank of the stream, but in order to add fish to your diet you need the âtechâ ir idea of how you can trap them. Hands donât work so good because fish are slippery, so you move on to the spear, but that requires skill to use that not everyone has, so eventually you understand that a trap or a net might be a better idea. This however will be the end result of a fairly lengthy period of time. From there it is all about making a better, more effective, more robust net. Then you realise eventually that the bigger better fish are in the middle of the stream, which is deep, so how do you get the net out there? And so on. This way ahead is great. Also here you can get the âtechsâ adapting to alternative uses.So the net you have been using to carry stuff back from the fields, is tried for fishing to solve that problem⊠and so it goes.
Thank you for the invite to the forum. I am curious about technology trees or community upgrades. Mining, weapons, and the like. What would that look like? Requirements, and resources based on local? And are the genetics of each generation improve said crafting?