Alpha / Beta / Release dates?

Sadly, that’s one of those technical things that may create resentment among “common players” but have very good reasons – and both points of view are perfectly understandable.
I wrote “common players” by lack of a proper word, maybe “the public” would be better, but whatever: please don’t read it as a “commoner”/“elites” distinction :slight_smile:

You clearly explained the common point of view – which is totally understandable as I said. But just taking one example: according the Kickstarter and Indiegogo, there are currently around 5,000 backers. If all of them have the possibility to post feedback and report bug as soon as the alpha phase is available, it instantly happens what is expected with such high numbers. Just imagine they have 3 bugs to report the first day, instantly the devs are facing 15,000 reports, and innumberable discussions.
There is also to count on the fact that most of those reports would be posted in 50 or 100 duplicates, but still would need to be sorted out, policed, there would also need to ask for the screenshots and saves constantly missing, etc. The clear conclusion is there’s an urgent need to recruit some QA people to do the job, which is not that much efficient as it essentially means sorting out reports.

The policy by the devs for A.C. is far more efficient and reasonable: if you have an alpha with 50 testers (around 30 archeologists and historians, 10 shaman & deity backers, maybe 10 others people the devs trust), then they know the people testing the game, each one may be progressively specializing (UI, content, AI, sounds…) then have naturally a close connection with the devs in charge of their peculiar field of testing, which create very soon some trustful relations.
This allow for an increasing number of bugs to be efficiently fixed, with higher and lower priorities being easily defined.
A second step is the closed beta, were you may have more testers, then the open beta, when you may see a number of issues noted earlier: duplicates, lack of explanation, no saves so no repeatable situations & bugs, etc.

Naturally, at the moment of the release, there will be an horrible number of bugs, that will be reported instantly with a fair number of wooing (“How could your testers have missed such a thing, you clearly should fire the instantly!”). However, there is then to take into account that e.g. 15,000 players playing 4 hours the first day will have seen as much different situations as 4 devs playing 15,000 hours, or 1,000 testers playing 60 hours, etc. So nothing unexpected.
But all in all, the 4 devs (maybe 5 or 6, but never enough in one case or another) will have managed to treat an immense amount of bugs, in the most efficient way given they are human brains and (still not) mechanical coders.


totally agree. but i see in all the video the “alpha game” banner, so there is the game only for developer. they can open the game only for the 5 people who made the biggest donation on kickstarter. well, alpha game or not, i only scared about the enormus things that they want inside the game maybe a lots. they really finish the game in dicember 2018? XD HOPE IT!!!

I think the developers made the right decision here. What I would appreciate would be a (Live?) Video from time to time showing the current state of development or teasing a specific feature. That sould give us a good basic knowledge of the game development and could enhance (the already fantastic) discussion and the assistance the community has / goves to the developers. That would be easy to pull of compared to a full Alpha/ Early Acess release


yep, i want see the actual game, in a real gameplay not the same propag video


Hopefully they will release some updated gaming videos just for the forum members. The previous youtube videos were released for the public Kickstarter campaign. All in all the devs are doing a fantastic job so far!


I’m sure you’re not the only one :grin:


Love it, the categories^^

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I do not think an alpha version should be playable for none professional devs. Indeed, an alpha version is the first draw after the prototype, not everything is code, not everything is working. Normally it is just an interne step. From the screenshots and videos we got I guess they are close (already ?) to be in alpha.

However at that stage you do not really need a massive bug research as things are subject to change. You will only lose time (you correct a bug then you decide to change the feature hence all your work on fixs is wasted).

The only reason there is alpha release is to please the players (maybe for early cash too) and I think it hurt the game in the long run. If you are disappointed by the alpha there is a risk that you will not comeback to the game once it is fully done. Moreover, all the time you invest in bug management on not definitive features is time you won’t invest in proper dev so it will delay the proper release of the game.

In the end an alpha is something you show to other game devs/designers in order to have technical feedback (and get nice videos and screenshots for the hip).
Once the game reach the beta step you can start to search for all the bugs that they did not notice during dev time (yes devs do test their work when coding it :wink:). This is the moment you can give the game to a wider public for testing purpose.

As a player I want to get the game as soon as possible but this is just a selfish thought. It is objectively better for everyone to wait until the game is ready to be deliver to us, even if it mean few extra months of wait.:wink:


yes, ok, but we can see only the propag video. no alpha version? ok… do some gameplay video, the gamer who donated some money are interested to see the work, finished or not. or more pictures about it (better some videos). just to see the actual state of game

buuuuuut is my silly opinion :stuck_out_tongue:

This video is 2 months old but show some (limited) actual gameplay so your wish is granted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

More seriously it is very hard to see the state of the game with a video at that stage so it is not very relevant. Two days ago they said on their twiter account that they work on AI core, so it is very important but not very visible.

Unfortunatly, I think we will have to wait until the beigning of next year in order to have “deep” gameplay video. That how softwares work…

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i talk about this video haha

Hahaha ! When you said propag video I thought you talk about this video :

Which is more propag than the previous one don’t you think ?

Anyway with theses videos I think they show us what they can and there is not a lot to expect any time soon.

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im actually scared about this video, couse most of all ( the propag video) not look’s like the real finish game, we can see the great work whit graphic and wind effect etc. but it like the real game? that’s why i want see a gameplay video ( real gameplay)

In the current state, even the interfaces are qualified as “more placeholders than anything else” by the devs themselves.

What gameplay would you want them to show now???

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I understand your concern.

I could be wrong since I am not part of their team but I think that in the video, the phases where you can see the UI (when they place building or select villagers) is actual gameplay.

As a reference, you can look the devlog of the guy who develop Banished, one year before the release his screenshot look like this : Gameplay Images - Shining Rock Software, really close (if not exactly) of what we get visually speaking in the end

The graphic part is the first one you design then it do not change much.

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yes ok. but banished or forest ville ( i don’t remeber the name) dasn’t have this graphic hihih

just a short video , for example the people interaction , something like this

Yet there are a few free camera movements that are not available with the game camera ( like the last flying shot of the KS video ) all videos are made with in game footage. There is no one single frame rendered outside the actual game.


this comfort me.
I have great expectations, about the game,