After Neolithic

Will we be able to progress into bronze and iron ages and how will the game change then? I’d like to see us being able to form Greek city states, surrounded by walls and great temples being built. Or maybe a Celtic tribe instead of Greek city state, or Romans. I’m dreaming about a possibility to make my own city state, where some of the population would be citizens and some slaves, men would train to be hoplites and make my own laws.
Just some thoughts, would like to hear others’ opinions and also how is the developing going? Hope well.


Further epochs are indeed planned, as AC is being developed as a platform to build Ancient history cities, but this is waaay down the road. It’s also possible you’ll see all this implemented as mods made by the community.
Still, this is years in the future. For the moment, I can only advise patience :stuck_out_tongue:


So it’s still happening but a one man band type of thing happening hense why it’s soo slow in progressing?

Kinda, yeah: 2 people full time and 1 part-time coder. Slow and steady wins the race!

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